Certified Color Consultants


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lorem ipsum.

Posted by Kate Decker - - 1 comments

You are sure not alone! Granite is expensive, but you will see a 92.9 percent return on the cost, according to a 2004 survey by Remodeling magazine. This is one of the highest returns you will see on any part of your interior design process.

If you are still hesitant to write that check, look into granite tile. Tile runs less than 1/2 the cost of granite slab counters and if done right, you will see a 1-2 milimeter grout line between the 1" tiles. In addition, you can pick from 15-20 different grout colors to help create a seamless look.

This is a deal compared to slab and most appraisers and home buyers consider it as valuable to the home as granite slab. It comes in all the colors you would find in slab and you might have two cents left over to spend on a new undermount sink to install with those beautiful new counters!

Design Rule: Don't put any granite counter on top of old, tired cabinets. More to come on cabinet options in our next post!
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Posted by Kate Decker - - 0 comments

My favorite comment from homeowners is, "It just doesn't look right." While this may be the case, you can save yourself and your designer numerous headaches by having the answers ready when you are asked the three following questions.

1. What do I want to improve?
2. What is my interior design budget?
3. What is my timeline?

This will not only save you time when it comes to amount of billable hours on your final invoice, but will provide WD-40 to the process!
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