Certified Color Consultants


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Posted by Kate Decker - - 0 comments

Why are bright, colorful things so cheerful and why is America so afraid of them? I've spent my whole life becoming fascinated by color and it's combinations, from fingerpaintings to oil paintings to colorful gemstone jewelry. I've often wondered why so many cultures embrace and celebrate color while my own seems to suppress and marginalize it. In Mexico, colorful living is standard practice, a way of releasing control over their lives and giving it back to God. In America, only the fringe live colorfully: artists, bohemians, hippies. Here, a colorful outfit is a sign of a dangerous mind, of an impulsive rule-breaker, of someone who's not afraid to stick out.

My mom had us playing with color as far back as I can remember. She'd set us up at the kitchen table with watercolors or crayons and we'd just go to town for hours! I remember that new boxes of sharp crayons or pristine, unmuddied watercolor sets were the most exciting presents. I used to get so distressed when, in my haste, I'd muddied up a once bright yellow pan of watercolor. Mom would always swoop in with a napkin and resuscitate my sunny friend. I suppose that this early training predisposed me to a love of colorful things....Color + Design Blog / Cultural Color Differences: Mexico & USA by COLOURlovers :: COLOURlovers
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Posted by Kate Decker - - 0 comments

We can thank Magenta, Italy, a quiet town outside Milan, for the name of the color that isn’t really any color at all, but a trick of the eyes. And, actually, it’s probably the French not the Italians we should be thanking. To be honest, it’s all a little confusing, but we’ll try to sort it out!

First, let’s take a look at the event that catapulted Magenta into infamy: The Battle of Magenta, fought on the outskirts of the town during the Second Italian War of Independence. Some historians say the Battle of Magenta was a turning point in the war. That’s all well and good, of course - but how did the color magenta get its name from this battle, what do the French have to do with it, and what was that about it not being a color at all?

As it turns out, the town of Magenta, and the eponymous battle was fought the same year that a synthetic aniline dye called fuchsine was invented. In fact, it was the first synthetic dye ever made - prior to this, all dyes had come from natural sources such as plants, animals and minerals. But as handmade rugs from the East gained popularity, the need for cheaper dyes that could be produced easily became a priority. Want to learn even more, visit Sensational Color's full write-up at http://ht.ly/3gxZR.
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Posted by Kate Decker - - 0 comments

Want some great colors and ideas to create a stunning tablescape for your big Thanksgiving Day feast? Look no further for inspiration than these gorgeous and simple options! The best part? Each of these themes would look stunning on your walls as well!

As always, mother nature has the best ideas for colors. If you ever thought you couldn't use green at Thanksgiving, the first picture in the link below will have you thinking again!

Our favorite? The acorn - simple, classy and understated. Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Thanksgiving Decor - iVillage
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Posted by Kate Decker - - 0 comments

A mix between black and white, gray is gaining popularity as the new neutral. From light dove to dark charcoal, this color looks great on everything from home accents to walls. Gray is the ultimate neutral. It looks good with almost any color and ranges from cool to warm. In this bedroom a classic gray coats the walls. A black four-poster and cream-color shag rug complement the cool wall color. Burnt orange accents, table lamps, and throw pop in this neutral room. A mirrored nightstand and metal-framed mirror above the bed add a touch of glamour.

How to Use Color: Decorating with Gray
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Posted by Kate Decker - - 0 comments

Experts have long been trying to predict what color will be en vogue in the years to come. For big businesses, by knowing what colors the consumer will want they can create their products to match the hot new styles of tomorrow. With this line of thinking... Making thousands of purple shirts when green is the hot new style will leave the fashion retailer with lots of purple shirts sitting on the shelves. Want to see the projections, based on gender and other factors? Click below!

Business Blog / Color of the Year 2010: By The People [infographic] by COLOURlovers :: COLOURlovers
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