Certified Color Consultants

Posted by Kate Decker - - 0 comments

Color Psychology

A melding of two primary colors — red and yellow — orange is known to get one's attention. In marketing, the color is associated with drawing attention but not as immediately as red, think traffic cones and construction work.

Orange is believed to stimulate the appetite, activity and encourage socialization while stirring up feelings such as excitement, enthusiasm and warmth. Not surprisingly, many fast food restaurants incorporate orange to encourage customers to order, eat and then get out.

Color Therapy

Orange is associated with the following qualities:
  • Excitement
  • Playfulness
  • Creativity
  • Joyous
  • Independent
  • Sociable
The benefits of using orange, through color therapy, include: 

  • Anti-depressant
  • Removing inhibitions
  • Providing optimistic outlook
  • Stimulate appetite
More muted than red, the color orange is utilized to evoke attention that is warmer (not as staccato) and encourages creativity.

Color and Culture
Orange in the United States is synonymous with the Fall, especially Thanksgiving and Halloween.

In the Netherlands, orange is representative of the royal family — the House of Orange-Nassau or more casually in Dutch society referred to as oranje, which is also the nickname of their national soccer team.

In Ireland the color orange dates back to William of Orange, the Protestant English king and it became associated with Irish Unionists and, as a result, is seen in the Irish flag today.

Color in Spirituality
For Hindu swamis, orange is very significant as it symbolizes fire and its ability to burn away the self-centered attributes, such as the ego and personal wants. The Hindu swamis traditionally wear orange robes.

Orange is also represented in an energy wheel or chakra. The Sanskrit word for the orange chakra, or sacral chakra, is swadhisthana, which can be located between the lower abdomen to the navel. This chakra is believed to be the "emotional center" chakra.